Snowplains Meet, Cambridge, 20 - 22 June, 1997

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Meet Information

The next meet in Cambridge will be on Friday 20th June to Sunday 22nd June, 1997. Everyone is welcome to come, but please contact Berry via email (address at the bottom of this page) if you intend to come.

Where to meet

We will be meeting, as ever, in the Fountain Inn (see map below) anytime on the Friday afternoon to evening. Food and banking facilities nearby, so don't worry about starving at dinner time.

Plans for the Weekend


Drink. Eat. Natter. Tart. Not get thrown out (well we've managed this so far, thank goodness...) of the pub. Split up, go home. Sleep, or whatever the local equivalent is.


We'll meet up in town at about lunchtime. After food, we can either go play laser quest, pay the cinema a visit, or wander around the shops and sights of Cambridge.. I'll try to book both laser quest and some punts, the aim is to go punting during Saturday evening/night which should be easily possible. If you've never been punting in Cambridge in May Week, you don't know what you're missing :)

If you're not coming on an alcoholic midnight punting expedition, you can always go to the pub. There's plenty in Cambridge and I'm sure there's be a contingent of non-punters out to sample the Cambridge nightlife instead.

Sometime during Saturday we should have the much-vaunted MBA4 vs Snowplains football match which Wakko is organising. The Snowplains team hasn't been picked yet - if you want to be on it then let me know.


Most people will want to be leaving sometime on Sunday, so everyone left will meet up again about lunchtime for food, and depending on who's around and what we have or haven't done so far, we'll see what we get up to! Whatever you didn't do on Saturday seems to be the likely option, we'll see who's left and what people want to do. Punting through Cambridge might be good fun.

Other Ideas..

We did actually manage to play Twister last time, so for the first time it isn't being listed here. A group purity test might be fun.. probably in the punts on Saturday night. Suggestions welcomed...

Who will be there?

This is the current list of spods who are coming, or already here:

Algol, Asp, Berry, Bugsy, DickDastardly, Dizzy, Gangsta, GerryAtric, Ghoti, GumBall, Gushie, hatter, Jaq, Jarel, Kaotix, Kestrel, Lamb, Leto, Mebby, Middleman, Mirage, MrFlibble, Mulder, Mushypea, Narenek, Odie, Phlebas, Pling, Purpaul, Rillaith, Smurf, Speedy, Squeek, Static, Taggy, Tharg, TicTac, tND, Tucks, Undone, Valkyrie, Vampire, Vento, Wakko, Welly, Yfandes

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